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Builders risk is designed to protect construction sites from loss and damage.

You know what it takes to get to the finish line of your construction project, but did you know that builder’s risk insurance is an essential part of getting the ball rolling?

A builder’s risk policy lowers the potential for financial loss by assuring materials along with the construction site as a whole. The consumer has little reason to sue the construction company for damages to materials if there is a builder’s risk insurance plan in place. You don’t want to start a construction project along with the Alabama or Florida Gulf Coast without having a builder’s risk policy.

What is builder’s risk insurance?

Builder’s risk insurance is a policy that covers a building during construction. In some cases, a builder’s risk policy provides coverage for the area where the new site is to be built along with the materials needed to carry out the project.

The average construction company may not take on the job of building a new home or office building without evidence of builder’s risk insurance. The reason for such caution is due to the possibility of liability.

A construction company has separate insurance that covers its employees from incidents that may arise during the workday. The materials used to carry out the project, however, are not covered under the construction company’s insurance plan. The probability of a lawsuit is rather high if the person or business paying for the construction task does not have coverage for materials destroyed by the rain or other uncontrollable circumstances.

A builder’s risk policy lowers the potential for financial loss by assuring materials along with the construction site as a whole. The consumer has little reason to sue the construction company for damages to materials if there is a builder’s risk insurance plan in place.

Builder’s risk insurance plans are not like your ordinary home insurance policy. These indemnity policies are meant to be temporary with most terms lasting anywhere from three to twelve months. The idea is to ensure the site for the duration of the project. It is, however, possible to obtain an extension on a builder’s risk insurance plan in both Alabama and Florida. Call an agent at Align Insurance Group today for more details!

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